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Young Men's Ultimate Weekend

(June 20th -June 22nd, 2025)

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YMUW Helps Your Son Prepare for Adulthood While He Has Outrageous Fun:

  • Discovering his own values

  • Conquering the obstacle course

  • Developing respectful relationships

  • Building emotional intelligence

  • Making hip-hop beats

  • ​Becoming more confident

  • Learning martial arts & yoga

  • Channeling energy constructively

  • Playing sports

  • ​Practicing resiliency

  • Using mindfulness-based stress reduction

  • Participating in water activities

  • Working cooperatively in teams

  • Overcoming deepest fears

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If you need help with your registration you can
contact us at 415-479-4100 or email

Read what our graduates and their parents have to say about YMUW...

Everything I do revolves around the values gained from the YMUW. Today, my life is about what I can do for others. I have helped produce six Weekends and mentor young men daily."

Nick B.
YMUW Graduate

I have learned what it means to be a balanced young man who contributes to society and how to keep learning to expand my world. Thank you YMUW and the men that give their time to it!”

 Ryan A.
YMUW Graduate

I liked the way the YMUW encouraged me to work together in groups with other young men; I liked the feedback on Sunday morning about how to take the lessons we learned back into our lives. I learned to speak up and use my voice and stand up for myself. This experience pushed me in every aspect”.

Dane S
YMUW Graduate

At the YMUW, I liked making friends and bonding with them. The obstacle course was cool. I dreaded going to it and I ended up having more fun than I thought I would”.

YMUW Graduate

Prior to YMUW, I had expected comfort, demanded privacy, and loathed embarrassment. For those few days in the woods, all comforts of the world were withheld from us, which removed our outward identities. After the YMUW I was pleased that I had transcended the ordeal.  From that point on, everything feels to me like the return journey of a hero.

When I returned to my ordinary world, I was imbued with newfound vigor, compassion, courage, and gratitude that inspires me to this day. I have overcome every subsequent challenge with greater ease.

Sebastian Krausz

YMUW Graduate

My teen son was verbally aggressive, giving me the finger and thinking he did not have to do anything he didn’t want to. This behavior has largely disappeared, being replaced with cooperation and increasing personal responsibility. He has become open and caring.”

Allan Wood


My son, Erik, is now 21 and proudly serving in the USAF - a confident, articulate, young man. Our whole family benefited from Erik's experience. I recommend YMUW to any young man who is entering manhood with uncertainty, apathy and fear about his future. The YMUW can help him determine his own compass for an Ultimate life!”

Susan Small


Mostly what I sensed was a lightness of heart, as though a weight had been lifted from him.I wanted to say thank you. There is a great need for your work and effort.”

Suzanne Patrikus

My 21 year-old son did the Weekend when he was 16 and it changed his life. He now has and honors a family of his own.”

Lori Murray

I wanted to thank you for your tremendous program. It was perfect for my son Gabriel!

“You and your amazing team facilitated a transition for Gabriel that allowed him to enter this new chapter of his life with a hardy toolkit to assist him in accessing his profound strengths, self- reliance, and increased self-respect/esteem.

He returned with his Hero/Warrior in great shape and present for these incredible teenage years of transition. I cannot thank you enough for all your great work!”

Erin Sorensen

I cannot thank you all enough for what you have done for my son, Kahlil and for me. Saying that the weekend was transformative seems so simplistic, but, it was powerful, as far as its impact.”

Thanks so much"

Natasha Middleton


As a high school teacher and a parent of two boys, who lives in a fairly affluent neighborhood, whose schools are filled with high-achieving students, I see the necessity for this program nearly every day. As a one-time mentor, and whose son attended YMUW when he was 13, I know this program delivers value.

Thank you to YMUW for creating the many opportunities for our youth to experience the oft missed rite of passage into manhood in whatever way, big or small. Thank you for spreading the word, so more youth, and their parents, have the chance to learn about YMUW.”



Thank you for the awesome weekend my son had up the Boulder Creek initiation. I thought the first program he attended was amazing, but this second one really put a lot of struggles behind him (and need to). You've all proving once again that actually does take a village. I and many other parents are very grateful that you are there for these young men and us. Thank you!"



Following my son's return from the YMUW, he heard me when I made an observation about his behavior, looked at me and said "I'll pay attention to that", which was a departure from previous conversations we'd had. He has also appeared more willing to take responsibility for himself. He has always been a fine human being and I see him embodying this in a deeper way.”


Lis Addison

Wow, YMUW really works!  Alex came home with a noticeable shift in his center of gravity.  He actually told me he felt like he had matured over the weekend.  Good job to all.”



Dr. Mark Schillinger is both the Executive Director of the Young Men’s Ultimate Weekend, Inc (YMUW), and the sole owner of Challenging Teenage Sons, Inc (CTS). This notice is in compliance with California Non-profit Law (section 5000) and the California Business and Professions Code (Sections 5230 through 5239, and Section 10133) and applies to any activities coordinated between YMUW and CTS.